Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Be Prepared

Be Prepared! The Boy Scout motto and what I'm trying to do. Getting ready for the first long road trip of my retirement and really the first long road in a couple of years.

This will be the longest drive I've ever taken. Six thousand miles give or take a few. I've had the car checked out. Changed the oil, new tires and alignment, tank full of gas, clothes are packed, presentation is ready, class materials have been reviewed. I wonder what I've forgotten?

I'm headed to Great Falls MT for a conference and then on to Eglin Air Force Base in the pan handle of Florida to see my son graduate from EOD School. I'll help him out with a couple of things and then it's back to Portland and back to work.

I hope to see one fun thing and eat at one interesting local place every day. I'll going to try and post photos and comments everyday to document the trip.

Starting at Point A, I'm leaving Portland Oregon and heading to Point B - Great Falls Montana for several days for a conference with friends and fellow transportation geeks. Leaving Great Falls, I'm headed to Point C - Eglin Air Force Base and going through Kansas City (BARBECUE!!!) for the first time on the trip and through Memphis (MORE BARBECUE!!). From Eglin I'm headed to Point D - Trenton Georgia. Trenton is where my son lived for several years before joining the Army. From Trenton I'm headed to Point E - Fort Riley Kansas and it will take me through Kansas City (STILL MORE BARBECUE!!!). From Fort Riley I'm headed home

1 comment:

  1. I was just wondering today if you'd blog about your trip and was hoping you would. Woo hoo! Safe travels, and watch for the giant Prarie Dog.
